Department Of Respiratory Medicine

The department of Respiratory Medicine at PIMS was started in March 2002 and is now established as a tertiary referral centre for Respiratory Disorders. Over the years the department has grown from strength to strength with a team of committed consultants, junior doctors, nurses, technicians and physiotherapists. The MD program began in 2011 with an annual intake of one candidate and 10 doctors have been trained so far to become consultants in Respiratory Medicine and the course has been recognised by the MCI. 10 original research articles have been published so for.

The department provides compassionate and state-of –the-art care for patients with acute and chronic respiratory disorders. A well equipped 5 bedded Respiratory ICU is staffed with doctors and nurses round the clock. The general ward has 30 beds with centralized oxygen supply and 4 isolation beds.

Some of our specialized services include

  • Video Bronchoscopy with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
  • Medical Thoracoscopy with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
  • Respiratory ICU & Critical care
  • PFT lab – Spirometry, DLCO, Lung volume studies & broncho-provocation testing.
  • Sleep lab – level 1 in house attended polysomnography.
  • Bronchial artery embolization and pulmonary angiogram along with department of Cardiology.
  • Pulmonary imaging & interventions with department of Radiology
  • Point of care chest ultrasound
  • Tuberculosis treatment under NTEP with pre-MDR testing by Gene Xpert and LPA.
  • COVID – 19 Comprehensive care

Special Clinics:

  • Allergy & Asthma Clinic – Tuesdays
  • Lung Cancer Clinic – Thursdays
  • Pulmonary Rehab Clinic – Fridays.

Some of the rare cases reported include:

Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis, pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis, pulmonary amylodosis, Wegners Granulomatosis, pulmonary sarcoidosis, meliodosis, chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis, invasive aspergillosis, pneumocystis jeroveci pneumonia, pulmonary nocardiosis. bronchiolo-alveolar cell carcinoma, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, mediastinal teratoma, thymoma, primitive neuroendocrine tumour in the posterior mediastinum, , Bronchial adenoma (carcinoid), Katageners syndrome, Pulmonary mucormycosis, Mediastinal hemangioma with kasabach merritte syndrome etc.


TAPPCON - 2024

World No Tobacco day:

World Asthma Day 2024:

ILDCON 2023:

Publication in the last 5 years:

1. Sebin John Thampan, Pinkutty Sagar, K. H. Kisku,Case Series – “Cystic Lung Lesions (CLL), and Pneumothorax in COVID-19 Patients”. 2023 June;Vol (8):109-115.
2. Dhinesh Kumar, Sebin John Thampan, Jackin Moses, Arun Prasath "Case study: 41-year old female with Proximal Interruption of right Pulmonary artery (Pirpa) with patent ductus arteriosus (PAD)".GJRA-GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS Jan 2023;Vol12:35-36
3. Jackin. R. Moses,. “Impact of sedation during Bronchoscopy – The best practice of sedation”. IJMSIR: A Medical Publication Hub 2022 Nov 2022;8:80-91.
4. Antonious Maria Selvam, Praveen Radhakrishnan, Yuvarajan Sivagnaname. “Vitamin D3 levels in patients with Pulmonary tuberculosis – A Cross – sectional study. ISSN.2022;29:8019-8028.
5. P. Stalin, M. Manikandan, N. Murugan, Zile Singh, KH Kisku, Anil Jacob Purty. “Identifying and Addressing Factors contributing to pretreatment Loss to follow-up Tuberculosis Patients referred for Treatment from Medical Colleges in Pondicherry: An implementation Research”. Indian journal of community medicine. 2020:45:27-31.
6. Dr. S. Mohanraj, Prof. K.V.V. Vijayakumar M.D, Dr. S. Indhu. “The cycle of Threshold value of cartridge Based Nucleic Acid amplification as a measure of sputum Bacillary Burden. IOSR-JDMS Dec.2020;(19):6-12
7. Varughese Prince, Mathew Varghese. “A case of Chronic semi invasive aspergillosis in an Immunocompetent Host”. International Journal of Scientific Research.2020;9:1-2.
8. Varughese Prince, Mathew Varghese. “A case of unilateral Pulmonary Edema due to lung Re-Expansion following simple aspiration for spontaneous pneumothorax”. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2020;9:1-2.
9. Prince George Varughese, Arun Prasath, Asha Undrajavarapu. “Assessment of Bronchiectasis with faced score and correlation with Quality of Life by St. George Respiratory Questionnaire”. Indian Journal of applied research.2020;10:1-3.
10. Varughese Prince, Jahangir S, Divya Mary. “Assessment of Bronchiectasis with BSI score and Correlation with Quality of Life by St George Respiratory Questionnaire”. Journal of Medical science and Clinical Research.2020;8:6-11.
11. Varughese Prince, Mathew Varghese, Sebin John Thampan. “Assessment of Broncheiectasis using faced score and bronchiectasis severity index”. PARIPEX - Indian Journal of Research. 2020; 7:1-3.
12. Varughese Prince, Divya Mary. “A rare case of Primary Benign Peural Schwannoma”. GJRA – Global Journal for research analysis. 2020;9:59-60.
13. Jackin Moses R, Neena Priyamalar R.M., Shiplpa Ravi. “Impact of clinical pharmacist intrervention in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management”. UJRMS 2020;8: 3944 – 3449.
14. Jackin Moses R, Karthick Narayanan P. “ Predictors of Nocturnal Oxygen Desaturation in Normoxemic Patients with Moderate to Very Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”. IJCMR 2019;6:J1-J5.
15. Jackin Moses R, Anantharaman R, Kottoorathu Mammen Cherian. “ Bronchoscopic surveillance during early postoperative period after lung transplantation”. 2019IJRMS;7:4475-4478.
16. K.Sandhya Bhat, K H Kisku, Reba Kanungo. “Candida auris candidemia an emerging threat: A case report and mini review of the literature”. J Curr Res Sci Med 2019;5:110-3
17. Jahangir S, K H Kisku, Niranjan B. “Can PEFR be used as a substitute to FEV1 in diagnosing COPD in primary care settings”. PERIPES – Indian Journal of Research 2019; 8:5-8.
18. Mathew Varghese, Mahendra Kumar Baunara. “Role of Bronchoalveolar Lavage in Sputum-Smear Negative, Clinically and Radiologically suspected New cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. PARIPEX – Indian Journal of Research.2019;(8):1-4.
19. Antonious Maria Selvam, Praveen Radhakrishnan, YYuvarajan Sivagnaname. “Vitamin D3 levels in patients with Pulmonary tuberculosis – A cross-sectional study”.CrossMark.2019;(29):8019-8028.
20. Yuvarajan Sivagnaname, Praveen Radhakrishnan, Antonious Maria Selvam. “Thoracoscopic pleural brushing - an innovative method of pleural sampling in diagnostic medical thoracoscopy”. Adv Respir Med. 2019;87:257-260.
21. S. Yuvarajan, R. Praveen, Antonious Maria Selvam. “Role of indwelling pleural cathetes in hepatic hydrothorax”. IP Indian Journal of Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, July – Sept.,2019;4(2):147-149.
22. Antonious Maria Selvam. “Case reports in literature n bronchial ulcers”. Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease 2019;89:54-55

Meet Our Doctors

Respiratory Medicine